Patient Address Entries

Details of patient addresses recorded in the electronic health record (EHR) system

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PatName Patient Name The full name of the patient whose address is being recorded.
AddrEntryID Address Entry Identifier A unique identifier for the individual address record entry.
AddrTypeID Address Type Identifier A unique identifier for the type of address recorded, such as home, work, etc.
StreetAddr Street Address The physical street address details for the patient.
DateFrom Valid From Date The date from which the address is recorded as valid.
DateTo Valid To Date The date until which the address is recorded as valid.
FIPSCodeID FIPS Code Identifier A unique identifier corresponding to the Federal Information Processing Standard code which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the United States.
IsDefault Is Default Address Indicates whether this address is the default or primary address for the patient.
IsVerified Is Address Verified Indicates whether the address has been verified for accuracy.
IsVerifiedNote Address Verification Note Additional notes about the verification status of the address.
RecptID Recipient Identifier A unique identifier for the entity (person or organization) that receives information related to the address entry.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier A unique identifier for the type of recipient, such as patient, provider, or insurer.
ZipCodeID Zip Code Identifier A unique identifier for the zip code associated with the address entry.
ZUChkSum Audit Log Checksum A checksum value used for audit logs to ensure data integrity and track changes.
ZUDate Audit Log Date The date the audit log was recorded or updated.
ZULogonHisID User Logon History Identifier A unique identifier for the user's logon history, used in the context of audit logs.
AddrTypeName Address Type Name The descriptive name for the type of address, such as 'Home', 'Office', etc.
ZipCode Zip Code The zip code or postal code for the address entry.
CityName City Name The name of the city associated with the address entry.
StateAbbr State Abbreviation The abbreviated form of the state name associated with the address entry.
CountryName Country Name The name of the country where the address is located.